PARTICIPANTS: Veterinarians, vet nurses & Veterinary students

Radiographs are essential in small animal dentistry for detecting and understanding oral pathology in dental patients.During this workshop you will be given a clear understanding of what is required to achieve a diagnostic radiograph.

 You will have hands on practical experience taking and evaluating radiographs with direct digital (DR)  and  computed radiography (CR) plates, enabling you to achieve diagnostic images in your own practice with greater speed and confidence.

During this workshop, you will gain a deeper understanding of normal feline and canine oral anatomy, enabling you to identify abnormal radiographic pathology with confidence.Through structured teaching and case studies, you will develop essential skills in radiographic interpretation—an invaluable tool for diagnosing conditions such as periodontal disease, endodontic disease, and tooth resorption.

This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to take diagnostic images and interpret dental radiographs accurately and efficiently within your practice!

PREREQUISITES:  Completion of all pre-reading documents.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Personal access to pre-reading materials

At the end of this 8 hour Workshop:

    • You will be confident taking intraoral radiographs of both cats and dogs
    • You will understand common dental radiograph errors and learn effective correction methods
    • You will develop a strong understanding of normal radiographic oral anatomy in feline and canines
    • You will be able to understand the importance of dental radiography in detecting and interpreting pathology
    • You will learn to identify radiographic signs of oral pathology
    • Case studies will be used to demonstrate how to piece together all of this information to obtain more accurate diagnoses and define treatment plans leading to better outcomes for your patients

COURSE SCHEDULE:               

8:00     Registration
8:10     The basics on how to take an intraoral radiograph
8:50     Which instrument and why. When advanced imaging is required.
9:10     Normal radiographic anatomy of the Dog & Cat
10:10   Morning Tea
10:30   Practical session, tutor demonstration.
11:00   Practical session: Hands on practice with DR & CR      plates
12:20   Lunch
13:00   Practical session. Hands on practice with DR and CR plates. 
14:30   Afternoon tea
14:50   Radiographic interpretation: case studies
17:00   Completion of laboratory

Course Details
      Friday, 4 april 2025

      8 am - 4:30 pm


      $2100 - bring a nurse for free

      Cve: 8 (SA )
               16 (all other states)

      Svt training centre: 
      228 Glen osmond road,
      fullarton sa 5063
   Course facilitator:
Dr. Kirsten Hailstone   
Board Certified Veterinary Dentist   
Registered Veterinary Specialist